Monday, 29 April 2019

Discussion | Can you be Body Positive but Want to Change?

Discussion | Can you be Body Positive but Want to Change? - Rachel Emily Blog

Recently on my instastories I've been starting discussions about a few topic's I'd encountered recently or my bug bears. One of these topics was raised at Bristol Fashion Week in relation to Body Positivity. While the catwalk had models of a variety of sizes, ethnicity and disability there was discussion over how as great as it was, it could have gone further.


Monday, 15 April 2019

Lifestyle | I've Launched a YouTube

YouTube Launch | Rachel Emily Blog

Roll Up, Roll Up, Read all about it.

I have officially launched my YouTube channel.

Monday, 1 April 2019

Lifestyle | How to Maximise on Daylight Savings

Lifestyle | How to Maximise on Daylight Savings - Rachel Emily Blog

Daylight Savings to me means the start of Spring Summer. I know meteorological spring started on the 1st March and the Spring Equinox was Wednesday 20th March but for me that extra hour of daylight we got yesterday changes everything. I find i'm more motivated in the evenings after work to do things round the house, go to the gym or run errands and I'm generally more upbeat.
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