Wednesday, 9 September 2020

The Autumn Winter Pieces I'm Adding to my Wardrobe Now

Rachel Emily Blog HM Shacket Topshop Leather Trousers Autumn key Trends

So, I hate to say it but summer is coming to an end.

As a summer person I struggle with this concept but it's only 15 more Wednesday's until Christmas.


Tuesday, 1 September 2020

A Little Welcome Back & Life Update

Rachel Emily wearing a rainbow Maya Deluxe Sequin Dress and Graduation Hat - Rachel Emily Blog

Hello Strangers.


Tuesday, 21 July 2020

How to Adapt to Running Solo

Rachel Emily sat on a fence in matching green running gear

I'm going to throw this out there. I'm not a solo runner. 
I can run solo and I do run solo but it's not where my running 'buzz' comes from. 

Sunday, 21 June 2020

The Summer Bag Your Wardrobe Needs

Rachel Emily holding the Mango Basket Bag Tan

If there's one thing I can't resist each summer it's a woven/straw/wicker bag. 

Monday, 1 June 2020

Lifestyle // Your Favourite May Posts

Rachel Emily posing on a Rainbow stripe dock and bay towel in a palm print Shein swimsuit with zip front.

I know I said it in my last post. But how is it June already?

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Fashion // Sunday Update & ASOS Top Picks

Rachel Emily wearing a v-neck patterned swimsuit and a light blue denim shirt

How is it June tomorrow?

Monday, 20 April 2020

Fashion // Big Quarantine Giveaway

Rachel Emily in a sequin top with a large Zara online delivery parcel

It's official. My 5pm secret is out. Its a HUGE giveaway.


Sunday, 19 April 2020

Fashion // Quarantine Top Zara Fashion Picks

It's day three and my bank account hates me. I just can't stop shopping.
Maybe I just feel the need to do my bit to keep the economy going in all this doom and gloom news.


Saturday, 18 April 2020

Fashion // Quarantine Top H&M Fashion Picks

It turns out after yesterday's post. It's not just me feeling these quarantine shopping urges.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Fashion // Quarantine Top ASOS Fashion Picks

Is it just me, or is isolation really intensifying shopping urges?

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Recipe // Isolation Chocolate Banana Bread

A delicious loaf of chocolate chip banana bread loaf cut with a nice crumb

Everybody is baking banana bread.
Or so it seems.


Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Wellbeing // Social Distancing

Rachel Emily at home reading

Social Distancing.
One of the most mentioned terms right now after Coronavirus and probably just before Herd Immunity.


Saturday, 14 March 2020

Wellbeing // Visiting Thermae Bath Spa

Rachel Emily on the Rooftop Pool at Thermae Bath Spa with the Cathedral in the background and sunrise

[AD] The trip to Thermae Bath Spa in this post was gifted however a blog post was not required criteria in return for this trip.

Spa Dolce Vita.
The Spa Life.


Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Lifestyle // 7 Ways To Make a 'Bad Day' Better

Rachel Emily outside a cream house with a blue door smiling widely

Having a bad day?

Yeah, it happens to the best of us.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Fashion // Sustainability Series Part 1; Veja

Rachel Emily wearing white Veja Esplar sneakers with a black polka dot dress and a black jumper smiling

Welcome to Part One of my sustainability series.

The idea behind the series was that this year I want to step away from "fast fashion" and move into making better shopping choices.

The first brand I'm going to feature in this series is one that I've owned for over a year now and that's Veja.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Lifestyle // Being more sustainable in 2020

Rachel Emily posing in a wooden bar in a grey coat and pink scarf

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in daily life, that I forget about my impact on the bigger picture.

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Fitness // The London Marathon Journey - Part 2

Rachel Emily in a Pink Jacket leaning over exhausted in the road

I'm still trying to work out if the marathon gods were being cruel or kind when I got my rejection letter through in the post last October. 

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Lifestyle // Hello to the Roaring 20's

Rachel Emily Leaping over a bollard into 2020 - Rachel Emily Blog

Leaping into the new year.
A whole new decade.
Enter the (hopefully) roaring twenty's.
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